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Friday, November 9, 2018


 This Quarter’s Study Contents: The Book of Acts – Victory of the Gospel

  1. Creation and Fall • Sep 28 – Oct 5 Lesson References  Mobile Verson
  2. Causes of Disunity • Oct 6 – 12 Lesson References  Mobile Verson
  3. “That They All May Be One” • Oct 13 – 19 Lesson References  Mobile Verson
  4. The Key to Unity •  Oct 20 – 26 Lesson References  Mobile Verson
  5. The Experience of Unity in the Early Church • Oct 27 – Nov 2  Lesson References Mobile Verson
  6. Images of Unity • Nov 3 – 9 Lesson References  Mobile Verson
  7. When Conflicts Arise • Nov 10 – 16 Lesson References  Mobile Verson
  8. Unity in Faith Nov 17 – 23 Lesson References  Mobile Verson
  9. The Most Convincing Proof • NOv 24 – 30 Lesson References Mobile Verson
  10. Unity and Broken Relationships • Dec 1 – 7 Lesson References  Mobile Verson
  11. Unity in Worship • Dec 8 – 14 Lesson References  Mobile Verson
  12. Church Organization and Unity • Dec 15 – 21  Lesson References Mobile Verson
  13. Final Restoration of Unity • Dec 22 – 28  Lesson References 

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